NEW: Licensing and enforcement of ENDS products Licensing and enforcement of Electronic Nicotine-Delivery System (ENDS) products, also known as ecigarettes or vapes, are being transitioned to the Rhode Island Division of Taxation. For more information, please see the Division’s Notice and/or visit the ENDS tax webpage.
Ruling Request No. 92-02 Ruling Request No. 92-02 Re: Request for Declaratory Ruling Relating to Certain Purchases Under Hard-to-Dispose Materials Law Facts A company purchases petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oils which have been recycled and/or re-refined. The Department of Environmental Management has informed the company that a tax is due to the State under Chapter 44-44 when said materials are used for lubricating purposes. Ruling Requested Whether or not a tax is due on petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined if such oil is used for lubricating purposes. Discussion R.I.G.L. 37-15.1-3 and Regulation LIT 90-2 Section I, define "Hard-to-dispose material" as follows: "Hard-to-dispose material" means and encompasses the following materials: petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oils, including, but not limited to, lubricants in internal combustion engines; tires used on motorized vehicles and trailers, including cars; trucks, buses, and heavy construction equipment; glycol-based antifreeze and organic solvents. A petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined is not, nor shall it be considered, a hard-to-dispose material.(emphasis added) Both the law and the regulation specifically exclude from the definition of hard-to-dispose materials petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined. The law and regulation are clear and unambiguous. There is no further language in the law relating to a subsequent use as a lubricant. Ruling Petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined is not a hard-to-dispose material subject to tax under Chapter 44-44. This ruling may be relied upon by this taxpayer and shall be valid until the applicable statutory provisions are amended in a manner requiring a different result or until the underlying factual presentation changes. R. Gary Clark Tax Administrator February 18, 1992